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Hello, Welcome!

Here is a list of all the things you can find here.

11 Organize

Folder 11 Organize contains ways you can gather your shit and continue living whilst preventing everything from falling apart. I am really bad at organizing, and maintaining a schedule, and I lack a substantial amount of motivation. This folder helps with you with providing methods on how to organize your live and how to keep maintain a system of control.

11.01 JohnnyDecimal System

12 Software

12.01 Obsidian

A quick start guide into Obsidian the note taking program

12.02 Unraid

This should be called the docker folder but we ain't broke anymore and Unraid templates control my life. Mainly docker containers with guides on how to install them on Unraid using docker templates.

12.03 Windows Subsystem for Android

A guide on how to use the Windows Subsystem for Android, because who the fuck wants to use only the Amazon app store on windows. Of course you can emulate but this is my guide not yours.

12.04 RouterOS

A guide on how to configure RouterOS because you need an actual PhD for this one.

13 Basic

?? I have a tutorial on home lighting and best lighting for your environment. This folder contains other stuff that has no place to call home. Call it, Basic!